
Sunday 19 May 2013

Today I went on a MASS tp spree through SL and happened to end up at Tits Up.... Now Tits Up is an amazing store with some extra amazing designs and if you didn't guess by the name, it IS designed for the big boobie ladies. *Jumps around the room in a tizz* Well this LOVELY little number was on the Lucky Board. I walked in, there was a ? mark (All in my favor of course, as soon as I walked in, it was like it was meant for me lol) So I hit the board took this home to rezz and decided I just NEEDED to blog this on our awesome new page <3
Hair: Miss C.- Vilerno-Non Rigged Mesh /BlackOnly Event / 12 Colours:
Glasses: ! Ellemeno ! clean glasses - purple w/bow:
AOS Ipod Dancer v4 (Pink): 

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